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making cues

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  • making cues

    hey everyone im obsesed with cues and i want to make some and sell them when im older. ive drawn over 50 cue designs and my folder is overflowing so if anybody can tell me wat i need where do i get the wood how do i splice it and so on. help will be much appreciated

  • #2
    I knew someone who used two bench model wood lathes. He also had a tiny table-top metal lathe that he used to make joint pins and inserts, but all the cue work was done with just the two wood lathes. He had devised a number of router guides, tool rests and other gizmos and gadgets for getting the job done


    • #3
      Theres a guy i know of in the town next to mine called mark bean, he has made a few cues that i have seen, top class cues, he only makes them for his friends, but he sands the whole thing by hand, takes him months to make one cue, very nice though and superbly smooth and finished well.......
      Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


      • #4
        Looking at pictures of the Riley's workshops in the 1930's there are rows of benches with tradesmen planing down cue shafts by hand. Not a lathe in sight! I once spoke to a chap who still made cues this way and asked if there were any practical benefits to doing it like this. He told me it allowed him to follow the grain of the wood as he could feel the changing resistance against the plane. This in turn produced a better and more stable cue. I'm not sure exactly what he meant by this, but if anyone can shed ant light on this area, I would certainly be very interested to learn more. I suspect that the old cuemakers had a greater skill than may be immediately appreciated, by me at least, and hopefully there are still some around today with this knowledge.


        • #5
          trevor still makes some cues this way.


          • #6
            i made 1 but i woodnt use it as i took the end off a broom and then sanded it down slighty too make it tapered and then paited the butt black , and stuck a tip on the end lmao....nothing like my handy work im tellin ya
            My Avatar Is Me In A Comp


            • #7
              Originally Posted by gallen-147
              i made 1 but i woodnt use it as i took the end off a broom and then sanded it down slighty too make it tapered and then paited the butt black , and stuck a tip on the end lmao....nothing like my handy work im tellin ya
              seen plenty from china that look exactly like this!


              • #8
                come on guyz i need som help


                • #9
                  Not sure if this is the way your looking at, but the link below gives you access to some good equipment for small scale cue production




                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Dan_65
                    Not sure if this is the way your looking at, but the link below gives you access to some good equipment for small scale cue production


                    this would not help you build a snooker cue - we start with a strip of ash or maple that is 60" long.

