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Struggling with my game

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  • Struggling with my game


    I went out for a practice last night. I was trying the line up and in 3/4 of an hour my highest break was 30. It was pretty depressing. I ended up going early because it was just so frustrating. My highest in the line up is 80 odd.

    I haven't really been practising so that's part of the reason. I have the idea in my head that it's headaches that are stopping me concentrate and that there's no point practising, just wait a few days for my head to clear. Therefore I neglect practise.

    I have resolved to change things and commit to practise every day. Time isn't an issue, so it's just the cost, but if I sell a few things then I should be able to afford it. I might write a blog about my progress, just need something to get me practising regularly.

  • #2
    Originally Posted by jamesg19851 View Post

    I went out for a practice last night. I was trying the line up and in 3/4 of an hour my highest break was 30. It was pretty depressing. I ended up going early because it was just so frustrating. My highest in the line up is 80 odd.

    I haven't really been practising so that's part of the reason. I have the idea in my head that it's headaches that are stopping me concentrate and that there's no point practising, just wait a few days for my head to clear. Therefore I neglect practise.

    I have resolved to change things and commit to practise every day. Time isn't an issue, so it's just the cost, but if I sell a few things then I should be able to afford it. I might write a blog about my progress, just need something to get me practising regularly.
    Mistake I've personally made recently is getting too intent on completing set routines, which TBH I never started till a couple of years ago. I had a 20 year + break from snooker and was pretty a natural player when I was young. Starting up again two years ago I found good progress in set routines and solo practice, but don't chase them fanatically if it ain't working. Take confidence that you have learnt more positional shots from this practice and get out there and play more opponents ( Good and bad ones). You are likely to be surprised that in one of these games at some point against great or average opponents that the lessons you learnt suddenly fall in place and knock in a good number.

    At the end of the day that's real and why you should practice.
    ⚪ 🔴🟡🟢🟤🔵💗⚫🕳️😎


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Cue crafty View Post
      Mistake I've personally made recently is getting too intent on completing set routines, which TBH I never started till a couple of years ago. I had a 20 year + break from snooker and was pretty a natural player when I was young. Starting up again two years ago I found good progress in set routines and solo practice, but don't chase them fanatically if it ain't working. Take confidence that you have learnt more positional shots from this practice and get out there and play more opponents ( Good and bad ones). You are likely to be surprised that in one of these games at some point against great or average opponents that the lessons you learnt suddenly fall in place and knock in a good number.

      At the end of the day that's real and why you should practice.
      Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I think that's right, I need to mix up solo practice with playing people. I've got a lesson in January with Andrew Highfield so I want to get plenty of practice in before then.

      I shouldn't get too down on myself, my highest break is only 36 so perhaps my expectations are a bit high. I set myself a goal this year of making a 50 break this year, so it's a bit disappointing not to achieve that, but I think I can achieve that next year with more commitment to practising.


      • #4
        You can still achieve it this year...It doesn't matter how you break down on a lineup but it's important to keep track of why you broke down. Did you miss a sitter? or were you playing a recovery shot because your white ball wasn't good enough? the line up teaches you to play simple pots well with good position you should be playing 90% little stuns and soft screw shots. As soon as you start to come off cushions or away from the reds a very easy routine becomes difficult.


        • #5
          At high break level of 36 it's most likely some element of your technique holding you back that a good coach should be able to point out quickly. I would imagine once this is sorted you'll get your 50 no problem then.

          My issue at 40 break level was my timing, i went to a coach and within 3 months I was knocking in 60-70s another 6 months later i had my first 90 odd i kept making 80-90 breaks and chasing my first ton regularly at that point before i stopped playing for a few years due to other commitments. I'm now back playing and chasing that first ton again. I make regular practice 80-90's with set routines or little packs to burst open in games over last 2 months ive made a few 50 plus a 64 and a 71 tons of 30 and 40 breaks i dont really count them as a break until I'm over 50.


          • #6
            Have a break til the new year. Come back refreshed. Try some different routines the danger of sticking to one is that you can become too hung up on it and almost obsessed.

            However, I'm serious about the break. Look forward to your return in what is just 11 days. Enjoy Xmas. Watch YouTube videos of some new and exciting routines to practice. Also, as mentioned play some differing opponents in terms of quality.
            Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

            China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
            Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by dcrackers147 View Post
              You can still achieve it this year...It doesn't matter how you break down on a lineup but it's important to keep track of why you broke down. Did you miss a sitter? or were you playing a recovery shot because your white ball wasn't good enough? the line up teaches you to play simple pots well with good position you should be playing 90% little stuns and soft screw shots. As soon as you start to come off cushions or away from the reds a very easy routine becomes difficult.
              I keep breaking down by either missing easy shots or getting out of position. I find I am often too straight on the black and have to to play top spin shots off two cushions to get on the next red. Often that leaves me too close to the cushion.

              It's a mixture of lack of concentration/focus, feeling too tense, cueing across and bad cue ball control. My cue ball control is pretty sloppy, so it makes it tough to keep a break going. I think I can improve with more practice though.


              • #8
                I practice very regularly - most weeks 2 or 3 times for 2 hours

                The lineup is my benchmark on whatever aspect of my technique I am working on, I never take the lineup too seriously, if I miss I put the ball back and play the shot again

                What I find has improved my all round play is certain set shots for example:
                Yellow into yellow pocket, white back towards the pink

                Half-ball brown into green pocket, white around the yellow corners and up past the blue for a red between pink and black

                Wrong side of blue in and out of bulk

                Remove pink and black, position 3 or 4 reds either side of pink spot and practice getting on the blue

                When these shots come up in games, you know exactly how to play them, especially if you have experimented getting them with variations of side, stun and screw

                Also do some CROSS or "T" lineups - they give another range of positional challenges

                Try to make practice fun - don't worry about missing - divide your time between working on technique and working on playing the balls


                • #9
                  I have never bothered with the line up.

                  I slap 7 reds on the table and clear them with only using the black. I leave the reds exactly how they settle on the table so its replicates a frame.

                  Also, 7 reds with just the blue on its spot.

                  Clearing the colours, but this is so boring which encourages kack concentration.

                  Long blues, potting from green and yellow spot.

                  And long reds from in and around the black and pink spots.

                  I only practice the routines up to when i have had enough - approx 30 mins.
                  JP Majestic
                  9.5mm Elk


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by jamesg19851 View Post
                    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I think that's right, I need to mix up solo practice with playing people. I've got a lesson in January with Andrew Highfield so I want to get plenty of practice in before then.

                    I shouldn't get too down on myself, my highest break is only 36 so perhaps my expectations are a bit high. I set myself a goal this year of making a 50 break this year, so it's a bit disappointing not to achieve that, but I think I can achieve that next year with more commitment to practising.
                    Do the 51 clearance drill. See how you get on with that. Picture of table setup below! Take the first red on as a stun shot to hold for the black (playing surface permitting). Then clear for a 51 clearance! Keep doing this! Always!!

                    Last edited by inevermissblue; 25 December 2017, 11:46 PM.
                    Cheap and Cheerful! 😄

