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  • Concentration

    hi, i am going through a very bad period of my game, i am seriously having problems putting full concentration into my shots.

    I seem to have a very hard job having a clear idea of what im doing, i seem to feel very cloudy in my head, and then i cannot think clearly. Thus i am having a hard job putting full concentration onto the pot as i am having problems thinking clearly.....

    i have seen a coach who has told me my technique is fine, but i am always concious of my technique when playing my shots, trying to make sure it is the same everytime, has anyone got any ideas how i can clear my mind, or any ideas how i can drill my technique into me so then i can just worry about potting the balls....

  • #2
    Yeah, I have that sometimes. Much more actually when I'm playing Bowls not snooker.... I feel that if your at all sleepy you can loose concentration easily. All you can do is force yourself to concentrate on that shot, and hope you get it. Your concentration will improve if you really get into the game, or if you have really good confidence. Thank you for your question!

    I wish someday, I will witness a 155 break.


    • #3
      I find i concentrate and generally play much better if ive had a good meal before i play.

      Also ive found that drinking redbull or a pint of lager helps. Thats just me though...


      • #4
        Originally Posted by nickdarke85
        Also ive found that drinking redbull or a pint of lager helps. Thats just me though...

        I think thats just you mate:

        I feel that makes me too hyper, and hit the ball way to hard all the time.

        I wish someday, I will witness a 155 break.


        • #5
          Hi Lee,
          I am the same. I have discovered though that if a have something to eat before a game, I seem to improve my concentration hips. I've been reading about concentration and it seems to be the fact that your brain functions depend on a lot of energy so smoothly. My experience is that a light rather than heavy, meal before a game will do wonders to my concentration level.


          • #6
            Try going for a sauna (or even a hot both at home) and finishing about an hour before you go for a session.

            if its the sauna option, dont stay much more than an hour (steam room at saunas are particularly good)

            this should clean you out, clear your mind, and make you more relaxed.

            a can of red bull, or two, whilst playing can help some folk (even if its all in the mind its helping)

