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National County Championships (proposed)

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  • #31
    National County Championships (proposed)

    tony have just sent email.


    • #32
      Quick update on the meeting held earlier today. The meeting was very positive & it seems that the idea of having an official English National County Snooker League is indeed possible. It was agreed by all that attended that it is essential that the national governing body for snooker in England (EASB) are involved. People present : Jon Sully & Tony Morgan (Nottinghamshire), Danny Cooper & Jimmy Gratton (Derbyshire), Jason Lockett & Simon Seabridge (Staffordshire), AJ Perks (Leicestershire), Liam Crossling-Kelly (EASB Admin), John Hartley (EASB Secretary & Competitions Director) & Jeff Robinson (EASB Chairman). The EASB are going to put further details on their website ( in the very near future. Any county interested & who wishes to join may do so via the website. All future correspondence please direct to the EASB.


      • #33
        Originally Posted by Tony Morgan View Post
        All future correspondence please direct to the EASB.
        Relevant email addresses being (for Liam), for John and for Jeff (which is probably the best one to get a timely authoritative response).


        • #34
          The EASB have proposed that we have another meeting early April to discuss what's been done already & what's happening next. We are hoping it will be either Saturday 5th or Sunday 6th April at Cueball, Derby. As soon as the date is confirmed, I'll let you all know. Hope you can attend


          • #35
            Had a call from Jeff Robinson (EASB Chairman) earlier this morning. The next meeting is confirmed as Saturday 5th April 12pm at Cueball, Derby. You can e-mail him your confirmation or any queries to


            • #36
              The EASB have just announced on their website the confirmation for the next meeting. Check it out guys if your interested in playing in a National County Championship league. County snooker will only happen if you guys want it to, so come forward & let's make it happen. Any1 can 'talk the talk', it's time to 'walk the walk' now. We've all had county friendlies against nearby counties, now let's get a proper league up & running & find out who's got the best English county
              Last edited by Tony Morgan; 3 April 2014, 10:37 AM.


              • #37
                Hi All. Just to clarify what Tony Morgan has said. This meeting is as important as ever, as it's a direct reflection of the 'actual' interest previously received!
                The Meeting will take place at 12pm @ Cueball, Mansfield road, Derby tomorrow Saturday the 5th April. Ideally each County will be required to have at least 2 representatives. So it is crucial that you attend. This would alert the EASB of your particular area's interest and would enable you to have a say in the structure which is put into place.

                In the meantime could all interested parties wishing to participate please reply below, indicating your County? Thankyou.
                Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


                • #38
                  Morning all, another successful meeting yesterday with the EASB. Discussed was County Structure, Competition Conditions, Competition Structure & Competition Sub-Committee (not fully agreed). More information from the meeting can be obtained by contacting Jeff Robinson (EASB Chairman) via It was also agreed that the EASB will be asking for Counties to show a NOTICE OF INTEREST on their website shortly. That way it will be a good gauge of what Counties are prepared to enter the National (English) County Championship. Come on guys this league needs to happen & only you can make it happen


                  • #39
                    The EASB are now asking for Counties to Pre-Register their interest on for the proposed National (English) County Championship. You can also see what Counties have entered & how many teams they're entering (max 2 teams).


                    • #40
                      Just wondering if the people from previous comments who expressed interest in playing in this new County league plan on pre-registering on the EASB website. Has I've said before, it'll only happen if WE (means everyone) make it happen. I see that Norfolk, West Yorkshire & a few Midlands Counties have registered teams. Come on guys. Let's make it happen


                      • #41
                        Travelling to the UK mainland once a month rules us out i'm afraid, if a special arrangement was made for Jersey to participate every 10-12 weeksand play multiple matches we could enter a team.

                        Originally Posted by Tony Morgan View Post
                        Just wondering if the people from previous comments who expressed interest in playing in this new County league plan on pre-registering on the EASB website. Has I've said before, it'll only happen if WE (means everyone) make it happen. I see that Norfolk, West Yorkshire & a few Midlands Counties have registered teams. Come on guys. Let's make it happen


                        • #42
                          Hi azzza, contact the EASB & see what they say. Got to be worth an email. Send it to


                          • #43
                            Hi guys, after all the feedback about this Official County league it seems that people can 'talk the talk' but in this case they're afraid to 'walk the walk'.


                            • #44
                              Just thought I'd let you know if you haven't already pre-registered your County team for the National (English) County Championship. The EASB are still taking registrations from captains/representatives on Click on news then click on National County Championship & follow the simple instructions. So far there are 15 teams pre-registered
                              Last edited by Tony Morgan; 23 April 2014, 03:50 PM.


                              • #45
                                National County Championships (proposed)

                                I think more time is needed to let people know. I know tsf and easb website are good at what they do but phoning others to let them know takes time, eg Kent is likely one of the best run county associations in the country and I believe will await the outcome of their commitee meetings before commiting to entering team. I'm sure they have players, all I'm saying is that they have procedure, so please allow some time for this and to spread the word, perhaps even an editorial in ss will help. would easb want to do this?

