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just for fun

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  • #16

    Billy was at school this morning and the teacher asked all the
    children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical
    answers came out, fireman, policeman, salesman, chippy, captain of
    industry etc, but Billy was being uncharacteristically quiet
    and so the teacher asked him about his father.
    "My father is an exotic dancer in a gay club and takes off all his
    clothes in front of other men. Sometimes if the offer is really
    good, he'll go out with a man, rent a cheap hotel room and let them
    sleep with him."
    The teacher quickly set the other children some work and took
    little Billy aside to ask him if that was really true.
    "No" said Billy, "He plays cricket for Australia but I was just too
    embarrassed to say."


    • #17
      Australian cricket team

      What do you get if you cross the Australian cricket team with an OXO

      A laughing stock.

      What's the difference between Ricky Ponting and a funeral director?

      A funeral director doesn't keep losing the ashes.

      Of everyone in the Aussie team, who spends the most time at the

      The woman who irons their cricket whites.

      Why did the Aussie break his leg throwing a ball?

      He forgot it was chained to his foot.

      Why do Australians call their favourite drink XXXX?

      Because they can't spell beer.

      Why can't Australian blokes take their girlfriends to the cricket?

      They eat all the grass.

      Heard the one about the Englishman who was stopped by Australian
      immigration officers at Sydney airport?

      They asked him if he had a criminal record.

      He replied: "I didn't know it was still necessary."

      What does Ricky Ponting put in his hands to make sure the next ball is
      almost certainly going to be a wicket?

      A bat.

      On his way out into the middle to bat, Ricky Ponting gets a call from
      his wife and teammate Michael Hussey tells her he's heading out to the

      His wife replies: "I'll hold, he won't be long!"


      • #18

        And Finally!
        Have you ever wondered how a woman's brain works?'s finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:

        Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something
        That needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.

        A man has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts.


        • #19
          Waht a laugh... Andrew is a good lad i can tell...

