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World Open 2016 - Discussion

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  • #61
    World Open 2016 - Discussion

    been watching the highlights over the last few day and it could just be me but the audience seems to have to be told off for things quite often in this competition


    • #62
      Originally Posted by jefftanwx View Post
      He might be referring to Shaun's rebuttal on Ding's comment which says that all the top players are still finding their feet for the season while Shaun feels all pro owes it to their fans to be fully prepared.

      Shaun has always been critical of Ronnie's event selection.
      ah, I didn't know about those comments. Very likely it's about that then. And Ronnie has the face to make such remarks for this lol...


      • #63
        Well, Pro Snooker hasn't been that recent in China. As such, spectators there still have some way to go before being as cultured, or rather, knowing how to behave in a snooker tournament where absolute silence is gold.


        • #64
          Murphy has an opinion on everything. Mr goody two shoes. He needs to get back to church and pray for insight. And if he's a Christian how come he's a greedy sticky fingered type who constantly criticises everyone else? What happened to forgiveness and understanding. The guy is a fake and Ronnie has rightly called him out.

          @Jeff, cuz a ref has never had to tell the audience off into being quiet at the Masters or Worlds has he?

          The Chinese are far more polite. Can you imagine Ding launching into criticism of a player who didn't do well? No, me neither. Ding is a gent and that's why Ronnie has rightly defended him against the Pillsbury Dough boy. Ronnie don't like bullies. PDB needs to concentrate on eating less donuts. He also needs to concentrate on his snooker. Ding got to the final of the Worlds from qualifying; what did PDB do again?

          Rockin' Ronnie!
          Last edited by Big Splash!; 29 July 2016, 08:45 PM.


          • #65
            World Open 2016 - Discussion

            Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
            Ding got to the final of the Worlds from qualifying; what did PDB do again?
            By PDB do you mean Shaun Murphy?
            2005 World Professional Snooker Championships
            Shaun Murphy had to qualify (at least 2 rounds I believe) and got to the final and won.
            Up the TSF! :snooker:


            • #66
              Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
              By PDB do you mean Shaun Murphy?
              2005 World Professional Snooker Championships
              Shaun Murphy had to qualify (at least 2 rounds I believe) and got to the final and won.
              2005? Seems so long ago!


              • #67
                Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
                .....Ding got to the final of the Worlds from qualifying; what did PDB do again? ....
                You haven't got a clue have you, so sad little troll


                • #68
                  Originally Posted by Crixus View Post
                  I bet the bookies loved these predictions
                  At least I got one winner right. :wink:

                  Once again not really the kind of day I expected, a pretty disappointing day of snooker to be honest. I only just finished watching the Robertson match though, didn't have time to catch up with Murphy-Perry tonight. For all I know, that could have been a good match. :smile:

                  No predictions tonight, because I am already half asleep and I only have four hours before snooker starts again. :smile:


                  • #69
                    World Open 2016 - Discussion

                    Disappointed with Uh-nooh's performance so far, as I am sure he is
                    Many chances and letting unforced errors hand frames to Ali.
                    Hope to see good frames after MSI.
                    Last edited by DeanH; 30 July 2016, 07:43 AM.
                    Up the TSF! :snooker:


                    • #70
                      World Open 2016 - Discussion

                      The MSI didn't change the play
                      Ali deserved the win but was never challenged or put under any pressure by a clearly out-of-sorts Uh-nooh.
                      Hope now moves onto the friends Neil and Joe.
                      Up the TSF! :snooker:


                      • #71
                        Murphy loses 10-8 to qualifier McGill in the first round of the World Championship 2016. Fact.

                        Ding goes through three rounds of qualifying and makes the final. Fact.

                        But Murphy hates on Ding as not being prepared! I think the donuts have gone to his head.

                        @JCR - I'm a troll? What were the insults you threw at Ramon to get banned please?
                        Last edited by Big Splash!; 30 July 2016, 10:08 AM.


                        • #72
                          This has been a weird tournament. A lot of players have had impressive one-sided victories, only to lose heavily in the following round. We have had very few close matches so far...

                          Hopefully the second semi-final is a little better. :smile:


                          • #73
                            Originally Posted by Odrl View Post
                            This has been a weird tournament. A lot of players have had impressive one-sided victories, only to lose heavily in the following round. We have had very few close matches so far...

                            Hopefully the second semi-final is a little better. :smile:
                            Yep sitting here waiting for a good match

                            Up the TSF! :snooker:


                            • #74
                              Drug test for Joe Perry.......Drug test for Joe Perry.

                              3 centuries on the bounce against Neil Robbertson, very solid!
                              Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
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                              • #75
                                World Open 2016 - Discussion

                                great show by Joe Perry
                                started well and then a drop in focus made it 2-2 at the MSI
                                then a cracking run of four frames, with centuries and TCs
                                Neil didn't play badly just was kept off the table and was cold when he did have a chance.
                                Up the TSF! :snooker:

