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Iceland isn't the ashole of the world.

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  • Iceland isn't the ashole of the world.


    Forget get all the crappy little "my airplane can't fly" clips.
    This is an awesome video. [ Full-screen HQ if you have the cpu grunt ]

    The landscape you'll see is unique on earth and as stunningly beautiful as it's people.
    Perhaps because of their isolation and the natural humility that comes from being
    dwarfed by their dominating environment, Icelanders produce some of the most
    achingly human, soaring and hugely pagan/spiritual music I've ever heard.
    The soundtrack echoes that and is also reminiscent of a band that hit me like a musical volcano...
    Sigur Ros.

    This is a trailer for a full-length DVD called "Heima" [ Icelandic for "Homeland" ] done as "payback"
    to their country after a phenomenally successful world tour. Free concerts played in remote
    locations all over Iceland marrying people and music and landscape as you have never seen before.

    Listening to this it occurs to me that if "God" was the architect, He didn't create the great
    cathedrals just for escape from 30C heat... he gifted them to us so we could hear choirs of human angels.
    I would say the same of immense natural caves and Sigur Ros.

    Hope some may enjoy this "alternate" take on that place.

