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Brexit, in or out.

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      • I know some will be saying, this argument is about us, we're the EU, not bothered about them. But I wanted to show the EU isn't just us, it's other countries wills and wishes. It's helped more than evaded. Sad the way our popular press has made it seem.


        • Originally Posted by gavpowell View Post
          Technically, there have never been any purely socialist governments, but nor are there any successful purely capitalist ones - extremes rarely work out well, as you know. It would be interesting to know how Cuba would have fared without the embargo though - it wouldn't have made the Castro regime in any way acceptable, mind, but I'd love to know how it would have worked out if left to thrive.

          It's funny, so many people trot out the old cliché about all religions being evil, starting wars etc. but I wouldn't mind the Quaker ethos being reintroduced to British business - macho management is a horrible way to run a company.
          Cuba: despite dreadful sanctions aimed at crippling its economy by the evil US, Cuba has a world class health and education systems. They manufacture drugs at a fraction of the price Pfizer would, and sell those drugs to poor countries. They also send doctors in large numbers around the world to help the poor. They were credited with bringing down apartheid in southern Africa. Do you think they'd put up with cue makers charging £1500 a cue, to live the millionaire lifestyle, or importers who chuck the cues out at £150 a pop because children are paid 50 cents an hour in Thailand?

          But for the US, Cuba would and should have been a beacon of light for other countries. That's why the US had to bury them. They failed and Latin America is better for that. Few if no US presidents, have done as much as Che and Fidel for the world.

          @villaguy, I'm with you mate, we do need the EU, not just for worker protection and taxing the billionaires properly but also for the betterment and security in Eastern Europe.


          • I'm not sure why I posted that same link 3 times, I was trying to send this one. The EU is still in the process of bringing equality to Europe. This is the reason why there are net contributors and net recievers. The project was never selfish for beaurocrats in Brussels but was designed in a way to spread resources to regions that required it the most.
            Last edited by VillaGuy; 7 December 2016, 01:18 PM.




              • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
                Cuba: despite dreadful sanctions aimed at crippling its economy by the evil US, Cuba has a world class health and education systems. They manufacture drugs at a fraction of the price Pfizer would, and sell those drugs to poor countries. They also send doctors in large numbers around the world to help the poor. They were credited with bringing down apartheid in southern Africa. Do you think they'd put up with cue makers charging £1500 a cue, to live the millionaire lifestyle, or importers who chuck the cues out at £150 a pop because children are paid 50 cents an hour in Thailand?
                Cuba's world-class healthcare is rather dubious though, and even if it were, the Castros were vengeful, murderous dictators, so it's not much of a trade.




                • Made a rare venture in front of the TV for Question Time the other night. I saw it accurately described on Twitter as being "Celebrity Jeremy Kyle".

                  Farridge is an odious chap isn't he? He points out all the problems but rarely has a credible solution of his own; he castigates the "political class" despite, to me, being one of them; and makes an overstated laugh when anyone calls him out rather than making a considered response.

                  And, because I'm sometimes petty, from now on he'll be called Farridge. He's no more Fuh-rahge than Mrs Bucket was Hyacinth Bouquet.


                  • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                    You are probably right ADR but they always get screwed what ever happens. Maybe if the big companies hadn't been so greedy ,paid decent wages ,made a fair,decent profit,not paid obscene bonuses and paid their taxes,people wouldn't have felt so resentful and this might not have happened . If folk are doing well, immigration isn't even an issue usually.
                    Gotta highlight this, the CEOs in Europe are paid small change next to those in America, CEOs in that country get 100's of millions a year pay, in Europe it's lucky they're worth that after their career. Brexit is like voting for the thing you're against. I won't ever agree with it, won't be united, sorry but will always be against the 52% for such a stupid idea.


                    • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                      I'm not sure why I posted that same link 3 times, I was trying to send this one. The EU is still in the process of bringing equality to Europe. This is the reason why there are net contributors and net recievers. The project was never selfish for beaurocrats in Brussels but was designed in a way to spread resources to regions that required it the most.
                      Why should we subsidise failing European economies?

                      You are suffering from post colonial guilt, snowflake. not to mention battered wife syndrome. We're great Britain FFS.


                      • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                        Gotta highlight this, the CEOs in Europe are paid small change next to those in America, CEOs in that country get 100's of millions a year pay, in Europe it's lucky they're worth that after their career. Brexit is like voting for the thing you're against. I won't ever agree with it, won't be united, sorry but will always be against the 52% for such a stupid idea.
                        Always is a mighty long time, snowflake. You lost, deal with it.


                        • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                          Always is a mighty long time, snowflake. You lost, deal with it.
                          Not by a long shot Mr Big Shot, there is the talk of the continued EU citizenship etc... I'm sure it makes you shudder thinking those that disagreed with you can keep rights. I'd imagine if they are offered on the table you'd jump at that prospect too


                          • What would make it sweeter is if they could discriminate between the haters and appreciaters. It'd be mint if the people voting brexit couldn't get those rights, just a dream though


                            • Imagine the brexiteers upon the instance that the Remainers kept their ability to trade with the EU for free, their ability to work there with no questions asked and the ability to live there for free (and they couldn't). Would they still be spewing off the undemocratic EU? They don't know the difference between freedoms and bureaucracy, unfortunately (but hopefully not) some of us are going to live with that. Flag wavers are happy though, it's fantastic under the union jack aint it, brings so much pride serving a monarchy


                              • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                                Why should we subsidise failing European economies?

                                You are suffering from post colonial guilt, snowflake. not to mention battered wife syndrome. We're great Britain FFS.
                                Just read this, you're crazier by the day. Battered wife syndrome, I mean what do you mean haha, someit funny going on upstairs with you don't you think. Are failing European economies the likes of Bulgaria with 3.5%gdp growth, countries like Czech Republic with the lowest unemployment in the EU? Are they failed? I suppose you'd rather the UK trades with China and India where people regularly earn less than £1,000 a year.

