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PAT Snooker A Systematic Approach to Practice Vol. 1

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  • PAT Snooker A Systematic Approach to Practice Vol. 1

    Pat Snooker offers a number of modular exercises that help players develop their individual snooker skills and monitor their progress continuously. Players now have the opportunity to diagnose their own performance.
    The difficulty of the exercises is increased gradually, creating a linear structure for individual practice. Practice exercises, performance monitoring and results control are solid foundations for improvement and enjoyable practice. Performance can be monitored either by taking the relevant tests for each individual level (symbolized by the colours of the snooker balls) or by comparing results with other players on the internet platform.
    PAT Snooker (PAT = Playing Ability Test) is a system to test your snooker skills that lets you compare your own performance against that of other players all over the world. You can assess your own performance and skills.
    This volume explains the white, red, yellow and green levels. Expert advice provided by the author helps you carry out the exercises.

    Book: full coloured, 68 pages, shrink-wrapped
    Format: 21cm x 30cm | 8.27 x 11.69 inch
    Weight: 296gr. | 0.7 lbs
    Official Retail price: 19.95 Euro incl. Tax (18.65 Euro)
    ISBN: 9783-94148422-1
    Klick here for more information and for free reading the first pages.

  • #2
    I can recommend this training system to all of you.
    I´m practicing with this too, and it is great, especially for players who don`t got a coach or something like this.
    You always know what to practice and it gives you an aim for your practice sessions. So lets play :snooker:


    • #3
      Spam Thomas Hein hasn't got a clue...
      Ten reds and not a colour...


      • #4
        Originally Posted by miscuehamburg View Post
        Spam Thomas Hein hasn't got a clue...
        Please tell more


        • #5
          Well, I've tried this PAT test and I must say the drills are excellent. Really helpful.

          Of course, it may not suit everyone, but to say that this Thomas guy has no clue...well, statement like that deserves explanation at least...


          • #6
            Had a quick look and the first part is as clear as mud.
            The part about potting the pink has been done before, is really commonsense.
            But am sure some wil like it.


            • #7
              Like this training book or not, but I can't agree that Thomas Hein "hasn't got a clue".
              He is a multiple german national champion and coach of the german snooker team, who won the European Team Championship in 2007.


              • #8
                First of all there are drills put together, which you could easily research & compile from the net in two hours. They are pressed in a scheme of snooker colours (this idea is probably stolen, since I have seen it often in British clubs/training). To count your training achievements isn't a bad idea, but hardly one you will want to pay for, isn't it?

                What my main criticism comes to is that this scheme was originally released to create a kind of coach union in Germany: The German top players being the coaches who certifice you to the next 'level'. It surprises me to see it translated; my credits to the enterprise spirit of Mr Hein.

                In essence, I think there is much better advice in our coaching section here and in the net generally. Such blunt Book-ad here loooks like spam to me. And if you only have a look at the chapter in this 'marvellous' book about the stance, you soon will realise why I wrote Mr Hein hasn't got a clue
                Ten reds and not a colour...


                • #9
                  The PAT system was originally developed in the States for 9-ball with most of the input from Mr Joseph Mejia who used to be on the board of SnookerUSA. He is also (now) a certified IBSF Examiner, done by Nic Barrow last year and he runs the San Francisco Billiard Academy.

                  I'm afraid I have to agree with the comments here since I have reviewed the PAT system for snooker and find it pretty basic and lacking in the finer details available either with Nic Barrow, Terry Griffiths, Del Hill, Stevie Ballie, Jim Donnelly or any other coach you might care to mention, including myself.

                  Both TheSnookerGym and TerryGriffithsMatchroom training have much more detailed and better information, and you don't need a coach. In fact Nic Barrow's 'How To Make A 100 Break' has everything you need, down to the finest details and is much superior to the PAT system

                  Terry Davidson
                  IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                  • #10
                    Thanks Terry, for confirming what I believe.


                    • #11
                      Hello Terry,
                      just a short corrections from the publisher from the PAT-System in Pool and Snooker.
                      The PAT System for Pool was developed by Ralph Eckert (Euopean Head Coach EPBF) Jorgen Sandman (Headcoach Norway, (ex) Bordmember WPA, and President of the WCBS) and Andreas Huber (National Coach Germany).
                      Joseph Mejia is our representative for PAT and PAT National Coach in USA.
                      He is as well our PAT-Snooker representative for North America.
                      The PAT-Pool System was not developed for 9-Ball, but in general for pool-billiard. It is a remarkelb system, wich is in use all over the world, and translated into russian, and japanese (not official).

                      That you will find it pretty basic is more than good, because the volume 1 is made for the basic, for all these players who are more than just players after work, and want more. It depends allways, that you know how to hold a cue. It is to organize your practice.

                      Thomas Lindemann
                      CEO Litho-Publisher, Germany


                      • #12
                        I bought this book about one year ago to have a couple of training units available.
                        It is right that they are very basic and easy to find on the net but that booklet (it is not really a book and half of it is about rules) is helpful.

                        I do not like that approach that you need a kind of "coach" and a kind of "exam" to be advanced to the next level.
                        Sorry, but who cares for a silly paper saying that you have reached level blue or whatever?
                        Maybe that is a bit a German approach to have everything well organized and officially arranged.
                        But that official level trainer stuff is somewhat ridiculous and does not help anybody but the few guys selling that stuff.

                        I use it simplay for having the exercises available.
                        Nothing more, nothing less.
                        But I would not buy it again.
                        I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


                        • #13
                          Don't you believe, that it will be better if get in contact with me before you write such stupid things?

                          We have over 2200 orders in the last years about this website. We are selling around the world. We accecpt Master Card, Visa and Paypal.

                          I'm staying here, I've actual checked my orders. I cannot see any order with problems. So please tell me the reasons why you write such things. You can reach me under Send me your screen shoots, or show me your credit card bills or the statements, that I can see that we fraud you. If you cannnot show me please delete that topic!

                          Thomas Lindemann


                          • #14
                            Where can I get the Nick Barrow's
                            how to make 100 from?


                            • #15

