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Bent cues

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  • Bent cues

    Hi everyone I have an old joe davies one peice that I'm thinking of getting lenghten. The thing is the cue has a bend in it, I not really bothered about having the cue straighten as I believe that the cue has settled into this shape after years and years and should be left as is. I can always hold the cue in such a way so as the bend is not noticeable to me.
    I have two questions one is about Stepthen hendrys cue, and that is how bent was it and how did he hold the cue. Did he hold it so the the bend went down or up (assuming he did not play with it left to right or visa versa).
    The second question is how many of you guys play with a bent Cues and does it bother you or effect your game.
    Thanks in advance
    Just thought I'd add on the reason for this post, the cue in question was my original playing cue until my bother broked the top off in a taxi door.
    Last edited by cazmac1; 7 January 2011, 09:15 PM. Reason: Reason for lenghting the cue

  • #2
    i suppose it really depends on how bad the bend is?

    My cue has a slight bend, just a kink really, a 15 year old parris and most cues, even if looked after will move slightly as it ages. I play with the cue bending downwards if that helps. It probably has a 2-3mm lift but i don't even notice it.


    • #3
      if you have in lengthen then get it straighten at the same time. Dave Coutts serviced re-finished and straighten my old Pearadon & Fletcher; done a fantastic job £45.00

      If you play with a bent cue have the bend facing up, otherwise if you play with deep low screw back you might dip too low and jump the ball or damage the cloth


      • #4
        Originally Posted by finabb View Post
        if you have in lengthen then get it straighten at the same time. Dave Coutts serviced re-finished and straighten my old Pearadon & Fletcher; done a fantastic job £45.00

        If you play with a bent cue have the bend facing up, otherwise if you play with deep low screw back you might dip too low and jump the ball or damage the cloth
        Thats a great price, how long ago did you have the work done.


        • #5
          about 3 months, new ferrel and tip too, sorry it was £55 all in


          • #6
            I've already had the cue re-tip and finished by john pariss, he normaly charges around £70 to £80 for lenghtening although this might have gone up now.
            If I used dave I would also have to add on postage, so would need a real good price.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
              I've already had the cue re-tip and finished by john pariss, he normaly charges around £70 to £80 for lenghtening although this might have gone up now.
              If I used dave I would also have to add on postage, so would need a real good price.
              I look forwards to seeing this cue up for sale 2 days after you get it done.
              One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


              • #8
                Originally Posted by DWOT View Post
                I look forwards to seeing this cue up for sale 2 days after you get it done.
                Give us a break, I need a least 3 days


                • #9
                  @ cazmac - you got cues coming out your ears aint ya i've had 4 cues in total in the 23 years odd that I been playing got number 5 coming from trevor but I expect you get through 5 every 6 months lol.


                  • #10
                    i just brought a new JP exclusive today and hoping this might be the one


                    • #11
                      Lol these cue makers must love you. still you keep going, your bound to get lucky and find the right one sooner or later.


                      • #12
                        No very difficult to straighten a bent cue if you know what to do.
                        I do so by using steam and heat gun.
                        "Don't think, feel"

