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Are Diamond tips any good?

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  • Are Diamond tips any good?

    I don't really know what I want when it comes to buying cues although I've heard cue craft are good so I've been looking on ebay at them. This one that I've seen was bought for £125 "on offer" and has a Diamond tip. I thought Diamond tips were used for Pool so that's why I've asked. Would you have any recommendations on tips? I've put a picture of the cue below.$%28KGrHqIOKpcE19IhCD6MBNuF5suB!g~~_12.JPG

  • #2
    If that is the cue then its way overpriced . For your budget you can get a nice handmade cue . Blue diamond tips are ok not that it makes a difference as you can easily change the tip . Concentrate on the cue for now but try and hold or even better play with some cues with different specs ( weight, length , tip size ) etc so that you have an idea what you like .

