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Older John Parris Badges

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  • Older John Parris Badges

    Since there are so many knowledgable posters here, I am wondering if anyone would be kind enough to tell me what kind of badges did John Parris used to use before the ones he uses now come along, and approximately when were they use?
    I have seen some with his postal code on them, when were those used? Did he have another badge before that?
    How about badges that say "Hand Spliced?"
    What did John put on the badge with his higher end custom work before he uses the name ultimate? Did he use some with only numbers?
    Thank you.
    Last edited by poolqjunkie; 26 March 2008, 02:08 AM.

  • #2
    Wouldnt it be a great thing if John Parris would have a page on his website that
    a) showed all of his variations of badges he had used with dates when so we could date an older Parris cue and also more importantly verify if the badge with a certain style ever existed.
    b) An index of all the Ultimate cues he has made so a quick check could be made. is Ultimate 147 - Maple shaft, Ebony butt, Tulip front splice.

    Mike, Trev, this wouldnt be a bad thing for you guys to adopt now that you are using different style of badges. I do really like the touch where Mike puts a year on the badge. I do feel that helps with values when reselling a Wooldridge cue.


    • #3
      [QUOTE=JasonOwen;296554]Wouldnt it be a great thing if John Parris would have a page on his website that
      a) showed all of his variations of badges he had used with dates when so we could date an older Parris cue and also more importantly verify if the badge with a certain style ever existed.
      b) An index of all the Ultimate cues he has made so a quick check could be made. is Ultimate 147 - Maple shaft, Ebony butt, Tulip front splice.

      The trouble with making that information public is that fakers could use it to make even more convincing copies, which rather defeats the object. I could see the market being flooded with "Ultimate No 147" cues, all with the right badge and using the correct wood splices as documented on JP's website. Assuming that the cues themselves were of reasonably good quality, who would be able to say categorically which was the genuine one? I can imagine the rightful owner being rather miffed to say the least.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by hotmog View Post
        The trouble with making that information public is that fakers could use it to make even more convincing copies, which rather defeats the object.
        I fully agree. Although it would be nice to have this information, I hope John would never publish it. Fakers, you go to hell.

        -- peer


        • #5
          But can someone at least tell me what were the earlier ones like, or what different badges were used? Please????

