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**Post Pictures of your cue!**

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  • Yep, second from left has most evenly spaced grain.


    • 1 or 3.
      6 and 7 is not looking good.
      Every point counts double with my homemade snooker cue


      • My tony wilshaw & glover

        Here are 2 new additions to the family

        Tony wilshaw specs (left):-
        length: 58"
        Butt diametre: 29.5mm
        weight: natural circa 18oz - 18.5oz
        tip diametre: 10mm
        Main splices: 21"
        Secondary splices: 11.25" - Olivewood
        Veneers: white & Purple
        Butt length: 14"
        Shaft: ash, 6 chevrons

        Glover specs (right), same as above except for:-
        mainsplices: 25"
        secondary splices: 11.75" - goldfield burr
        Veneers: white
        butt length: 18"
        shaft: maple

        Quality wise, both are well built. Playability and feel of the cues are great. straight as an arrow. U really feel satisfied hitting the balls in to the back of the pocket and it makes that cracking sound. but I found minor on both cues are:

        Wilshaw - a splice on the shaft is not matching.

        glover - finishing is sticky after you wipe it down and cue shaft feels ever so lightly grainy.
        Attached Files


        • Originally Posted by Acrowot View Post
          The points on the middle cue splices are not very even.

          Where did you see these cues?
          The pictures were sent to me by a dealer. I can choose one from the pictures or the dealer can choose for me.
          My money would be on cue 2 or 7. Not sure yet.


          • This is a new 3/4 cue I got made for my father from Unclevit's 'C' brand.
            It is has a lovely ash shaft with ebony, cocobolo and maple veneers.
            10mm tip, 58" long, join at 16", 16.8oz and a 29.5mm but diameter with an 18.5" balance point.

            Unclevit is a pleasure to deal with and very helpful.
            The cue plays great and the splicing is perfectly even.
            I would recommend these cues to anyone looking at getting a custom cue but don't want a six month wait or just can't afford £350+ for a U.K handmade cue.


            • Nice cue gem, sure your father will love it.


              • The one on the right;


                • Originally Posted by gid View Post
                  What cue will you choose?

                  The one on the right;


                  • A very nice cue gem. Hope your father enjoys playing with it.


                    • DDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                      • Thats just greedy lol nice collection buddy


                        • Very artistic Jasonx, just how many cues do you have at the moment ? and which do you tend to play with the most ?


                          • Great looking cues Jason.


                            • thanks guys..... i have about 20-30 cues .....The most frequently-used by me is TW .


                              • Hi Jasonx
                                Fantastic cues. As you have so many cues and have had many others, the big question - in your opinion who is the best cue maker?
                                Also which cue do you regret not keeping hold of?
                                Not putting you on the spot or anything
                                Up the TSF! :snooker:

