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Can you overplay??

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  • Can you overplay??


    I have played snooker everyday for about a week, 6 hours a day. On the first day i played average the second day i missed the black on a 147 so i was playing very well. After that it has all gone down hill which has lead me to question my technique.

    So my question is can you overplay??

  • #2
    I think you can and do at some stage play too much , As long as you feel fresh and still concentrating to the point that you are paying attention to detail in what youre doing then all is fine , as soon as you lose concentration , feel tired or not alert , lose interest , and are not really enjoying it or feel like youre just going through the motions then i feel it may be time for a break .

    To keep learning you have to put youre technique and the finer points under the microscope but think you can only do this when you feel in the mood and motivated , as soon as you become sloppy thats where bad habbits can creep in .

    you have to keep your discipline at all times and thats hard to do when your tired etc .

    The late great Terry Parsons used to practice for hours every day and whether it was solo practice or with someone you never seen him mess around or slam the balls .
    Last edited by hotpot; 9 January 2012, 09:30 PM.


    • #3
      i agree with Hotshot i believe its more of a mental aspect of the game
      your mind proberly gets in a way tired of doing the same practise routine or seeing the same colour balls and just kinda switches off leaving you not playing as well but proberly more because your brain cant be bothered than acctually over playing itsself


      • #4
        I think it depends on character which is basically one of the most important things in playing Snooker IMO. It takes high levels of self discipline to refrain from being sloppy on your technique over lengthy and repeated play. Some guys can play daily for hours and they will be constant on their technique even when not playing good. Others lose interest and stop paying attention to details.

        Blanchon147 - I wouldn't be concerned with this problem after playing 6 hours daily, especially if I was to miss a black on a 147.


        • #5
          I would agree with what the others have said. I know plenty that could play all day everyday and they'd still enjoy it where as I couldn't... I'd get bored fed up and start missing easy balls through lack of interest and that would do my head in even more. You have to be keen to gain anything from it I would say.


          • #6
            Well missing a ball or two every now and then is natural. No matter how hard one practices one cant be machine perfect. You are blessed talking about 147s and rarely missing on. Look at some other players like for instance who puts in lots of effort and still remains on the 50-60 break standard and even struggling these days to get 30-40 even after putting so much in matches.

            You should simply keep in mind what you are missing and then practice on that. You seem to be a very refined player so best of luck with your game and I hope I can reach somewhat near your standard some day.

            As for technique yes it has to be rechecked every now and then but if you are making regular centuries then technique is not to be blamed but yes maybe a little over doing and I can say this from my experience. When I play owlishly for days I take a break of a couple of days and then my game comes back to normal after the break so yes over doing might be the culprit here.
            "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


            • #7

              The answer is pretty obvious I would think as most pros practice every day they can.

              So, if you have a good and consistent technique then you can practice all you want but if your technique needs some tuning then I wouldn't recommend daily practice but rather going to a coach or else coaching yourself to get where you are delivering the cue consistently straight and THEN practicing every day.

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #8
                I'd agree with Terry

                I don't practice every day because if i did i'd soon lose interest, i have a short concentration span and i find that after about 2 - 3 hours my mind isn't on what i'm supposed to be doing and i just start hitting balls without putting the effort in to line up the shot and staying focused all the way through the shot etc

                Thats mainly down to having a mild form of depression, this affects my concentration and the length of time that i can concentrate for. I have things to work on in my game which i know but to do those things you need to practice on your own and that gets boring after about 30 mins, i think its the contsantly picking out the balls yourself and walking none stop around the table gets you working up a sweat, that amkes you feel a bit uncomfy after any length of practice time on your own.

                I just try to do one 2-3 hour practice a week with a mate then have an hour or so on my own before a match, that keeps me ticking over, everyone is differnt though.
                Last edited by The Stig; 10 January 2012, 01:22 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Blanchon147 View Post

                  I have played snooker everyday for about a week, 6 hours a day. On the first day i played average the second day i missed the black on a 147 so i was playing very well. After that it has all gone down hill which has lead me to question my technique.

                  So my question is can you overplay??
                  I missed the black on a 147 when practising on Sunday, only another thirteen reds and blacks to go and I'm sure I would have done it, but I'm not questioning my technique.
                  With the greatest of respect m8, I don't understand why someone so obviously talented at the game posts these sort of questions. You are very lucky indeed so just get on with it because no one on this forum can help you with this, it's a personal thing that you have to work out for yourself.


                  • #10
                    I put the post on the forum because i went from making 100 to struggling to make a 20 break in a couple of days and wanted to know whether anyone else has had the same situation. I came to this forum so i could learn from others experiences in the game.


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Blanchon147 View Post
                      I put the post on the forum because i went from making 100 to struggling to make a 20 break in a couple of days and wanted to know whether anyone else has had the same situation. I came to this forum so i could learn from others experiences in the game.
                      Because you're human m8.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                        Because you're human m8.
                        Exactly. If we all played to our potential we would be on tv making big money. Somethings you just have to accept.. Like you cant play fantastic all the time.


                        • #13
                          The question you posted about whether one can overplay can only be answered by yourself. Everyones different, some have a high concentration threshold, some low, some intermittent. You can't expect people who don't know you to know what yours is and therefore answer that question for you. Even nrage hasn't answered this one so it can't even be on the internet somewhere.


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                            .... Even nrage hasn't answered this one so it can't even be on the internet somewhere.
                            Lol, sorry nrage but this is funny


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                              Even nrage hasn't answered this one so it can't even be on the internet somewhere.
                              Lmfao I dont agree with what has been said between you 2 but even I had to laugh at this.

