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RH Cueing to the left

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  • #91
    yep hand eye co-ordination will let you pot SOME balls some of the time, but to be good you have to have a constant technique, whatever that may be to you, i come from a darts background and have seen so many varying techniques to throw a dart but in the end as long as you can repeat it time and time again you are more than halfway to throwing a good dart, i should imagine snooker is the same, elbow out, elbow in, square stance , boxer stance, front pause etc etc all variations on the same thing , trying to deliver your cue straight down your chosen line.
    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


    • #92
      That's exactly what I'm saying.
      But that hand-to-eye coordination could in theory actually stop you from naturally developing a good consistent technique if you focus on the object ball.


      • #93
        I have this problem as well. Some days I cue straight, some days I cue to my left. I read Terry's explanation to this problem and VOILA.. I tend to grip the cue during striking, my question is: It is a must to cock the wrist? Can the problem be solved by just remembering not to grip the cue during striking?


        • #94

          It's not absolutely necessary to cock the wrist however it is an easy fix for turning the wrist during delivery which comes from gripping the cue too early.

          The vital point is a player shouldn't change the grip configuration AT ALL through the strike and if he can do that then it doesn't matter whether the wrist is cocked or not. Among all the pros we have all different kinds of wrist cock severity. I believe Steve Davis in his prime had the most severe wrist cock however Hendry didn't have much at all when he was in his prime. I haven't checked recently but I believe Higgins has a wrist cock somewhere in between the two. Not sure about Selby though.

          Terry Davidson
          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner

