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  • Practice


    I just lost again and I am determined to raise my game.

    Willing to try to find 20 hours a week to practice - somehow!

    I have a book of routines and know the line up for etc, but how much time do you devote to purely mechanical stuff like trying to perfect getting down on shot, practicing action etc?

    I'm still only regular 15-20 (although I got a 23 today) so do I just set up pots and practice them over and over rather than working the line up. I still can't pot consistently. I rarely miss blacks off the spot as I have practiced them a lot, do I expand this to practicing random shots all over the table?

    i want to make the most of my time. How, in your opinion; should I divide my time?

  • #2
    The first thing you need to do is make sure your fundemental technique is as it should be. That may mean having a couple of sessions with a decent coach. Where are you based? I am sure members here could suggest some names.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by ghost121 View Post
      The first thing you need to do is make sure your fundemental technique is as it should be. That may mean having a couple of sessions with a decent coach. Where are you based? I am sure members here could suggest some names.

      Can travel reasonable distance.


      • #4
        I see at the swsa in Gloucester, they are doing coaching for £25.00 hr. Bargain!!! I'm sure that it might even be slightly cheaper if you book it in blocks of 5 hrs or so which you could spread over the course of a few weeks or so if you wish. Get yourself down there!!

