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how many fingers is the best used to hold the butt of the cue ?and why ?

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  • how many fingers is the best used to hold the butt of the cue ?and why ?

    how many fingers is the best used to hold the butt of the cue ?and why ?

  • #2
    The accepted 'ideal' is to allow the butt of the cue to just lay in the bed of the 4 fingers, with the primary grip being between the upper part of the thumb and forefinger, but apply no pressure. This grip allows the back 3 fingers to release at the end of a longer backswing which has to happen (along with a slight elbow drop) to keep the cue on the same plane throughout the backswing and delivery.

    Some players will hold the cue with the middle two fingers and some others with the back 3 fingers. It coesn't really matter what your grip configuration is as long as you do not apply any pressure to the butt of the cue until after the cueball has been struck

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner

