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'Comfort' Breaks

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  • 'Comfort' Breaks

    Should the number of times a player is allowed out of the arena be restricted? Would this be too much of an imposition or would it heighten tension and excitement?

    Head Still... Follow Through... Keep it Tight... Never Give Up... Ton 'em if you can!

  • #2
    I was going to start a thread on this. I don't like the way the players leave the arena after every single frame. At the crucible you used to always see players sat next to each other chatting away or shifting uncomfortably depending on circumstance whereas now they bugger off to avoid any uncomfortable situation. They should be allowed one toilet break an hour - no one needs more than that. If you do it on frames it's unfair if you get some grindy hour long affairs where you really need to go and recompose.


    • #3
      Accington Stanley, it'd be especially tense if they were FORCED to remain, it takes about the same time for them to go as it does to set the balls up, but not if they were going to the toilet - BBC should have a roving camera to follow them! (interactive on the TV, Broadband coverage on the PC - it was never like this in my day!)
      Head Still... Follow Through... Keep it Tight... Never Give Up... Ton 'em if you can!


      • #4
        Now that would be something! Paula Radcliffe has opened the floodgates to what is acceptable these days.

        After writing the previous post, I went back to watch the Williams game and he went for a "toilet" break 3 frames in a row. Now these 2 players were the only ones I've seen so far who have chatted away between frames (just like the old days *romanticises*) and just maybe Williams felt it necessary to leave the arena to maintain concentration in the knowledge that Milkins would be telling him how much luck he had in the frame just gone.

        Anyway, even though Milkins was keen to banter, he could be heard saying to the ref that "he's gone 3 frames in a row now" therefore grassing up the opponent he wanted to banter with for not wanting to banter back!

        I think my suggestion of an alotted one break per hour to be a fair and easy to regulate. What says the thread creator?


        • #5
          I'd vote for that, if there's a medical reason, a Doctor's note could be obtained otherwise there's no need to, "spoil the continuity of the match", as Cleverton said. As it stands if they only play 4 or 5 frames in a row, then you could be in and out before the 60 minutes is up anyway.

          It's the Refs discression to allow them to go, so there'd be no rule change required; just a directive to the Refs that the guidelines of 1 break an hour is being observed. How often do you see Michaela Tabb nip to the loo, taking one of her friends with her.... only joking, she's a fine Ref. It must be on their mind how much they've drunk and a pre-match toilet break will be in their match routine - players of old didn't do it, not sure who started it, but it could be and should be discouraged.
          For the Premier League format, I guess it suits the TV coverage for having the guys nip out, but the BBC aint the same animal.

          Office workers, especially call centre staff would love a comfort break every 15 or so minutes - they'd have Supervisors following them in though!
          If one player starts doing it, the other probably feels he'll do it the next chance he gets when he wouldn't have otherwise; ironically, their opponent may be getting their retaliation in first - vicious circle.
          Head Still... Follow Through... Keep it Tight... Never Give Up... Ton 'em if you can!


          • #6
            The one that gets me is when one player sits down, therefore not having a comfort break, and then his opponent leaves the arena so he changes his mind and goes to. Why? It happens quite often and several players do it!


            • #7
              I guess it's turned tactical and it's used as a string to the Pro's bow so he can try and lever an advantage; some may not be that conscious of it straying into gamesmanship and unsportsmanlike behaviour, others will be. They could be thinking they're trying to slow someone down, knock them out of their rhythm, their stride and kickstart their efforts at the same time.

              Another negative element is that if a player leaves, the crowd uses this as a cue to release their tension and excitement by chattering, stretching, some even leave or return themselves - not that bad if it was a single table affair, but before the Semi's the Ref on that table will have to admonish their half of the audience and request they quieten down; the other table will be affected by this lack of respect and it just isn't the same as if both players remain seated.

              Some 4 frame mini-sessions only last an hour, poor Milkins who's a Drago-esque character could only feel like a thoroughbred with wellies that his opponent's put on him. It's become accepted practice in the modern game, but with the sport requiring a kickstart itself, the sight of only half the competitors is shortchanging the viewing public and maybe even the sponsors who's money they'll gladly take for adorning a logo or two. (Hate to imagine what the top prize'll be next year btw)
              Head Still... Follow Through... Keep it Tight... Never Give Up... Ton 'em if you can!


              • #8
                I know this is an old thread, but instead of duplicating a thread, I'd thought I'd "revive it"

                I don't agree with players leaving the arena after virtually every frame. As has been said above, players should only be allowed to leave the arena one hour into a session, and then once per hour afterwards (should the sessions involve slow play).

                I find it quite bad sportsmanship to leave the arena all the time as they do, and it's a situation that has been caused by the referees being lenient with it. Had referees not been so lenient a few years back when it all started, it wouldn't be happening now.


                • #9
                  dont know if it could be controlled very tightly....maybe

                  though it would be good if it was controlled and stopped players going out the arena for things like a "runny nose"


                  • #10
                    Its a tough one to control effectively.There are players who abuse their right to leave the arena and players who are genuine when they do. Leaving citing a runny nose isn't justified but there are other 'runny' scenarios that are

                    Maybe record all the times a player leaves during a season and if its decided to be excessive (not sure of the criteria) the player should be fined. Or, considering the wealth of some players, exocution by firing squad which may be a bigger deterrant.


                    • #11
                      Maybe they could do the same as in cricket so that when they go off for a 'comfort break', they have a substitute come on and play for them!
                      Winner of Crucible 77's 2009 World Championship Lucky Dip.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Valderie
                        Maybe they could do the same as in cricket so that when they go off for a 'comfort break', they have a substitute come on and play for them!
                        HAHA. Yeah, I'd happily apply for that job

