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Rules query

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  • Rules query

    This happened to a mate of mine in a friendly match the other night: they weren't sure of the ruling and neither am I, even after looking at the rules.

    Player 'A' has potted a red followed by a pink. after potting the pink he finds himself touching the black and snookered (by the black) on all reds. He tries to hit a red off a cushion and hits nothing.
    What's the penalty? 4 or 7?

  • #2
    Foul four. The fact that the cue-ball is touching the black is immaterial unless the cue-ball makes the black move.



    • #3
      Yes he's spot on the ball on is a red so it doesn't matter if it's touching the black


      • #4
        After potting the pink, red becomes the ball on, so it matters not which ball the cue ball comes to rest touching. It is only a 'touching ball' in the defined sense, if it comes to rest touching a red (as a ball on). In that case the referee would call 'touching ball' and the striker could simply play away. In the OPs scenario, the pink is not the ball on so although the balls are touching it IS NOT a 'touching ball' and the referee would remain silent. The requirement is still there fore the striker to play at and hit a red.

