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  • chalk

    I was wondering what brand of chalk the majority of the snooker world uses. I read somewhere that most of the snooke players use triangle chalk, but i just want to make sure. Ive tried all different brands of chalk before, but i havent tried triangle because a lot of pool players ive asked said that it was bad. Of course, most pool players will take masters chalk over anything else. If the majority does use triangle, im going to go buy a box next time i go to a supply store.

  • #2
    I use Triangle, I think its the most popular used chalk in the UK (not sure) but it does the job for me!!

    Manufatured in Chicago apparently.

    Do people in the USA play a lot of snooker, because the few times i've been I can't find anywhere that has a snooker table!! In fact i'm over back there in May, I CAN'T WAIT..


    • #3
      i guess i should give triangle a try. but i dont feel like buying a box only to end up having me not like the chalk. normally that wouldnt be a problem but money has been really tight recently.

      not that many people play snooker in the US. ok ok, well, i cant say for the rest of the country, but not that many people in NY play snooker, or even heard of it for that matter. i only know of 3 places that have snooker tables in NYC. one of the only has one table, the other got rid of their single table, and the last one would be carom cafe with 3 full size tables. the few people i know that know what snooker is dont play. they find the big table and small pockets intimidating. so when i play snooker, i play alone, or the owner of the hall if business is slow.

      if you do happen to come to NYC, then you should go check out carom cafe. that place is great, it has everything.


      • #4
        Kool thats where i'll be for a few days of my trip.

