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Versus mode: Only one created player?!

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  • Versus mode: Only one created player?!

    Normally I play this game against the computer.
    Last my friend visited me and we decided to play each other.
    The problem was that I did not found a way to play with TWO created players against each other. Didn't I look good enough or can't you play with two created players?
    I know, you can play with two programmed players or one created player against a programmed player. That was no problem.
    How to play two created players against each other?

  • #2
    Hmmm... 15 views and no answer?
    Is it so difficult or is it impossible?


    • #3
      I'm almost certain you can't, certainly not unless you unlock it which is unlikely. I played my brother, I had to be Stephen Hendry and he was his character. On another note, I'm pretty certain that trickshot mode will be unlocked for winning the pool world championship, which I'll do when I reach world number one and finish the season, I'm hoping to go unbeaten for a season eventually, I reached every final last year losing to Ronnie and Stephen in 2 of them.

      If I carry on like that I think its possible to reach world number 1 in 5 seasons, I hope I unlock something!


      • #4
        Steve Davis would say: "sounds interesting"
        Keep us updated what you unlock and thanks for the info


        • #5
          Here are all of the unlockables for the XBOX 360 version -


          • #6
            Ferret, as far as I can see those are only the achievements.
            Maybe I look at the wrong place, but I can't find what you need to do to unlock certain things. I am thinking of unlocking other players or new venue's...

            Please can you help me out?


            • #7
              Not sure there as I have only played the game a few times, try the forums, this one should do it -, plenty of brits in there with the game.


              • #8
                Well I don't know about 2007 (it's so bad on the PS2 that I only played it for an hour or so before taking it back to the shop) but on 2005, two friends, each with their own character, can certainly play against each other.

                Create your two characters > set up a game > choose players (one of you will already be loaded up, so when you hit 'next player', go to player select and choose one of the blank faces instead of one of the pros. It will then ask you to load a player. Simply load the character you created for your friend and click 'play'. On 2005, and if you have two controller plugged in, it even ask each player to 'press x' so that the controllers are configured to each player.

                Hope this helps, but bare in mind these instructions are for the 2005 edition.
                "Kryten, isn't it round about this time of year that your head goes back to the lab for retuning?"


                • #9
                  Thank you, I will give it a try when I am home


                  • #10
                    No, you can select two players with the same name, but there is no load option in the player-select screen.
                    As soon as you choose 'load player' from the ante room, it removes the current player


                    • #11
                      Are you talking about 2005, hanterp? I play against my brother all the time on 2005, and we each play as ourselves, using the characters we've created.

                      It's true to say that loading another character replaces the one that's already loaded, but you have, in effect, still picked two 'created' characters to play against each other. So if you have two created characters called Joe Bloggs and John Smith - either Joe bloggs or John Smth with automatically load when you you boot up the game, but then when you set up a game of snooker and pick the other othe rcharacter as 'next player' the game will begin with Joe Bloggs v John SMith.
                      "Kryten, isn't it round about this time of year that your head goes back to the lab for retuning?"

