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  • Could'nt resist one more

    Blonde's Favorite Nursery Rhyme

    What's a blonde's favorite nursery rhyme?

    Humpme Dumpme

    Mon the Rocket


    • The Model Lodger

      Doris and Fred had started their retirement years and decided to raise some extra cash by advertising for a lodger in their terrace house.

      After a few days, a young attractive woman applied for the room and explained that she was a model working in a near-by city center studio for a few weeks and that she would like the room from Mondays to Thursdays, but would pay for the whole week.

      Doris showed her the house and they agreed to start straight away.

      "There's just one problem," explained the model. "Because of my job, I have to have a bath every night, and I notice you don't have a bath."

      "That's not a problem," replied Doris. "We have a tin bath out in the yard and we bring it into the living room in front of the fire and fill it with hot water."

      "What about your husband? asked the model.

      "Oh, he plays darts most weekdays, so he will be out in the evenings," replied Doris.

      "Good," said the model. "Now that that's been settled, I'll go to the studio and see you tonight."

      That evening, Fred dutifully went to his darts match while Doris prepared the bath for the model. After stripping off, the model stepped into the bath. Doris was amazed to see that she had no pubic hair.

      The model noticed Doris' staring eyes, so she smiled and explained that it is part of her job to shave herself, especially when modeling swimmer or underclothes.

      Later when Fred returned, Doris related this oddity and he does not believe her.

      "It's true, I tell you!" said Doris. "Look, if you don't believe me, tomorrow night I'll leave the curtains slightly open and you can peek in and see for yourself."

      The next night, Fred left as usual and Doris prepared the bath for the model. As the model stepped naked into the bath, Doris stood behind her.

      Doris looked towards the curtains and pointed towards the model's naked pubic area. Then she lifted up her skirt and wearing no panties, pointed to her own hairy mass.

      Later Fred returned and they retired to bed.

      "Well, do you believe me now?" she asked Fred. "Yes, he replied. "I've never seen anything like it in my life. But why did you lift up your skirt and show yourself?"

      "Just to show you the difference," answered Doris. "But I guess you've seen me millions of times."

      "Yes, said Fred, I have - but the rest of the dart team hadn't."
      Mon the Rocket


      • did we have teenager jokes already?

        Teenager (noun)

        1) A mammal found extensively throughout the planet, often clustered in groups in front of television sets. Thought to be a member of Homo Sapiens due to physical similarities, though social and emotional behavior leads many researchers to consider Teenagers to be a completely different species altogether. Very territorial.

        Teenagers are extraordinarily social animals, seeking contact with their peer groups to such a great extent they will forgo family, chores, food, and responsibility. The males of the species forage for food constantly and can consume three times their weight every day. When in full plumage, the males are usually drab, marked by loose fitting garments which slide off their backsides and look ridiculous.

        The females, on the other hand, sport striking colors under their eyes, throughout their hair, and on the tips of their fingers. Females often attract males by wearing garments to accentuate chest development. Males indicate their approval by staring at the display. The call of the female is complex and shrill: "Like, O m'Gosh! O m' Gosh!" Males are less vocal, signaling to other males with a salutatory "Yo. Yo. Yo. S'up? S'up? S'up?"

        Teenagers line their nests with discarded undergarments. The females hold telephone receivers to their ears an average of six hours a day. When challenged for possession, they snarl and warn intruders, "I'm doing my HOMEWORK. My HOMEWORK. My HOMEWORK." The males lie immobile for hours at a time, conserving energy and listening to violent electronic signals from radios. Male Teenagers concentrate on important information by rolling their eyes, shrugging, kicking dirt and sighing. Females burst into tears and slam doors. Many Homo Sapiens families have a host-to-parasite relationship with one or more than one Teenager. These host families often develop a resistance to the parasite, rejecting them some time in the eighteenth year of life. Often, though, this rejection is merely theoretical, with the Teenager continuing to live off of the host Homo Sapiens family for many years afterward, often at great sacrifice.

        2) Of, relating to, and especially EXPLAINING irrational, intolerable, or inexplicable behavior. ("She's a Teenager.")

        3) A request for sympathy, offered by adult parents to each other in support. ("I have a Teenager at home.") Often accompanied by sighs, head shaking, tongue clucking, and shoulder shrugging.


        • Squeaky Clean

          One night a man rolls over in bed and gives his wife a big grin.

          She says, ''Not tonight honey, I have a gynecologist appointment tomorrow and I want to stay clean and fresh.''

          The man feeling rejected rolls over and tries to go to sleep.

          In a few minutes he rolls back over and asks his wife, ''Do you have a dentist appointment tomorrow?''

          Mon the Rocket


          • Talking Italian

            A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They seat themselves, and engage in animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores their conversation at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

            ''Emma come first. Den I come. Two asses, they come together. I come again. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come once-a-more.''

            ''You foul-mouthed swine,'' retorted the lady indignantly. ''In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public.''

            ''Hey, coola down lady,'' said the man. ''Imma just tella my friend howa to spella Mississippi.''
            Mon the Rocket


            • Talking Sex

              Why is it when a man talks nasty to a women it's sexual harassment.

              But when a women talks nasty to a man it's £3.99 a minute.

              Thats off peak too!! ...........oops
              Mon the Rocket


              • On The Job Training

                Three couples were married and stayed at the same hotel for their honeymoons, where they were all taken care of by Dave the Bellboy.

                The first man married a nurse.

                Dave showed them to their room and thought to himself, "What a lucky guy. Nurses are known to be hot to trot".

                The second man married a telephone operator.

                Dave showed them to their room and thought to himself,"Wow, he's a lucky one. Telephone operators have sexy voices and once you pop that top button...Va-voom.".

                The third man married a school teacher.

                Dave showed them to their room and thought to himself, "Poor guy, she's pretty but teachers are just too frigid".

                The next morning, Dave reported to work at 5:30 in the morning. He expected only the teacher's husband to call for breakfast any minute and the other two would call much later in the day.

                At 6:00 a.m. the phone rang. It was the nurse's husband wanting breakfast. The nurse's husband opened the door and Dave stepped back in shock. The man's pajamas were still pressed and his hair nicely combed.

                Dave asked, "What happened sir? You married a nurse.

                The man sourly replies, "Son, don't ever marry a nurse. All I heard last night was her nagging voice saying, " You're not sanitary, you're not sanitary."

                At 6:30 a.m., the phone rang again.

                The telephone operator's husband called for breakfast. Dave brought it as fast as possible hoping for the best. The man opened the door and Dave stepped back in shock. The man's hair and pajamas were properly combed and pressed.

                Dave asked," What happened? Telephone operators are supposed to be as sexy as their voices."

                The man sourly replies "Son, don't ever marry a telephone operator. All I heard last night was her a nasal voice saying, "You're three minutes are up, your three minutes are up."

                Dave went back down to the desk, just knowing the teachers husband would be calling any minute.

                Finally at 4:30 p.m., the teacher's husband called for breakfast.

                Dave can't believe it but quickly took the breakfast to the couples room. The man opened the door and Dave took a step back in shock. The man was wearing only his boxers, his hair was a mess, and he had scratch marks on his chest, arms and legs.

                Joe fearing the worst, asked " What happened to you? Did you have a fight?"

                The man smiled and happily replied, "No. Son, when you marry, be sure to marry a school teacher. All I heard last night was her sexy smooth voice saying "We are going to do this over and over, until we get right."
                Mon the Rocket


                • The Love Dress

                  A woman goes over to her married son's house and walks in to find her daughter-in-law sitting in a chair, entirely nude. The mother-in-law says, “What the hell are you doing?”
                  “I'm wearing my love dress,” responds the daughter-in-law, “We haven't made love in a long time.”

                  So the mother-in-law says, “Hm, maybe I should try that.”

                  She goes home to find her husband is not in, so she gets undressed. Two hours go by and finally she hears her husband's car. He walks in the front door and says, “What the f*** are you doing?”

                  “I'm wearing my love dress,” says the wife.

                  “Well,” responds the husband, “it needs to be ironed.”
                  Mon the Rocket


                  • A Small Problem

                    A woman keeps asking her husband if her boobs are so small. ''Does this shirt make them look bigger? Does this one make them look smaller?'' she asks.
                    The next day her husband buys her a mirror. Before bed, she always looks in the mirror and asks her husband, ''Does this shirt make them look bigger? Does this one make them look smaller?''

                    Finally he gets so annoyed that he says, ''I know how to make them larger!''

                    ''How!?!?!?'' she asks.

                    ''Take a bunch of toilet paper and rub it in between your boobs.''

                    ''Well how long does it take?'' she asks.

                    ''They should expand over the years,'' he answers.

                    ''How did you know that?'' she wonders.

                    ''I dunno, but it sure worked for your a$$, didn't it?'''
                    Mon the Rocket


                    • Bedside Confession

                      Ted and Julie go to bed with one another for the first time.

                      Julie: I think I should warn you Ted, I've got acute angina

                      Ted: You're breasts aren't bad either!
                      Mon the Rocket


                      • Toe Curl

                        This couple have just met in a bar, really hit it off and gone back to her place to have wild, passionate sex. After they have finished he lies back with a smug look on his face, "I guess that was just about the best sex you have ever had," he says.

                        "What makes you say that?" asks the woman.

                        "Well, every time we did it, I couldn't help notice how it made your toes curl," he explains.

                        "Oh," says the woman, "that was just because most men wait to take off my pantyhose first."
                        Mon the Rocket


                        • Dr. Feelgood

                          A doctor had the reputation of helping couples increase the joy in their sex life, but always promised not to take a case if he felt he could not help them.
                          The Browns came to see the doctor, and he gave them thorough physical exams, psychological exams, and various tests and then concluded, ''Yes, I am happy to say that I believe I can help you. On your way home from my office stop at the grocery store and buy some grapes and some doughnuts. Go home, take off your clothes, and you, sir, roll the grapes across the floor until you make a bulls eye in your wife's love canal. Then on hands and knees you must crawl to her like a leopard and retrieve the grape using only your tongue."

                          He continued, ''Then next, ma'am, you must take the doughnuts and from across the room, toss them at your husband until you make a ringer around his love pole. Then like a lioness, you must crawl to him and consume the doughnut.''

                          The couple went home and their sex life became more and more wonderful. They told their friends, Mr. & Mrs. Green that they should see the good doctor.

                          The doctor greeted the Greens and said he would not take the case unless he felt that he could help them; so he conducted the physical exams and the same battery of tests. Then he told the Greens the bad news. ''I cannot help you, so I will not take your money. I believe your sex life is as good as it will ever be, I cannot help.''

                          The Greens pleaded with him, and said, ''You helped our friends the Browns, now please, please help us.

                          "Ok, go to the store and buy some apples and a box of Cheerios...''
                          Mon the Rocket


                          • Well, it took me quite a while to catch up on your jokes, Cess. But it was worth every minute .

                            dentist appointment... hehehe
                            I also like the acute angina one


                            • Something Borrowed, Something Blew

                              A groom passes down the aisle of the church to take his place by the altar and the best man notices that the groom has the biggest, brightest smile on his face.

                              The best man says, ''Hey man, I know you are happy to be getting married, but what's up - you look so excited.''

                              The groom replies, ''I just had the best blow job I have ever had in my entire life and I am marrying the wonderful woman who gave it to me.''

                              The bride comes walking down the aisle and she, too, has the biggest, brightest smile on her face.

                              The maid of honor notices this and says, ''Hey, girlfriend, I know you are happy to be getting married, but what's up, you look so excited.''

                              The bride replies ''I have just given the last blow job of my entire life.''
                              Mon the Rocket


                              • OMG!!! Thank God I haven't read that last joke before posting my message above.

                                edit: I'm talking about the Dr. Feelgood one!

