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Brexit, in or out.

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  • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
    Holy chuff, it's swinging all over the place just now, it's gone from Farage conceding defeat, then changing his mind, but everyone agreeing remain has won quite a tight fight. Then Newcastle declares( expected result 60/40 remain) almost dead even. Sunderland has just declared ( expected 55-45 leave) ended up as 61-39 leave, it's all up in the air again.
    Hmm, not so sure. Firstly, too small a sample a take notice of, and secondly, in the south, when push comes to shove, those that are inclined towards brexit will **** themselves and vote remain. They will vote with their wallets, not their hearts.

    Get em by the balls and their votes will follow. Newcastle and Sunderland do not have the same financial pressures, and are consequentially more free to follow their convictions.


    • Agreed far to small, Warwickshire talked about 80-20 leave, but mirrored by one in London about the same remain, saying the turn out in Scotland is lower than expected( they reckon that's good for leave as Scotland was expected to be strong remain) talk on the tv is that it could be roughly London vs the rest of the country( I think they just mean the English vote) London expected to be strong remain, the rest of the country could more or less be stronger leave than expected.
      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


      • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
        Agreed far to small, Warwickshire talked about 80-20 leave, but mirrored by one in London about the same remain, saying the turn out in Scotland is lower than expected( they reckon that's good for leave as Scotland was expected to be strong remain) talk on the tv is that it could be roughly London vs the rest of the country( I think they just mean the English vote) London expected to be strong remain, the rest of the country could more or less be stronger leave than expected.
        London can sod off to Europe permanently as far as I'm concerned.


        • Well this is exciting isn't it
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          • Early days, but I'm not that surprised by a strong leave vote - not sure why Wales in particular seems so enthusiastic to leave, but Wales tends to get pissed on whoever's in charge so maybe they just fancy a change?

            In some ways, I'd like a landslide in either direction, because I'd like to see all these pollsters go out of business overnight - they got the general election wrong and yet somehow got to carry on regardless.

            I just wonder how many people voting either way did any research of their own and how many just believed what they were told or voted based on an already-held opinion - I was there to be persuaded but didn't feel either campaign behaved in a dignified and useful way, had to rely on my own research to tip the balance.

            It's going to be interesting if we do leave - we'll likely have a new general election and a new Scottish referendum. And then there's those investigations into Tory electoral fraud...


            • So anyway we are out of Europe and Cameron has resigned and will soon be out of a job.

              In other news that polish girl is still hot!


              • Doomed we are, all doomed…...


                • Who is this coming?



                  • Well the majority of the people have had there way you are now out in the big wide world all on your own, I would like to thank the people who voted to leave for costing me several thousand dollars from my retirement fund of course I am being sarcastic. What I would like to do I can not put on here.


                    • Genuinely didn't see that coming, I didnt think it would be close, thought Scotland and London would give remain a two million vote head start, which is huge. Wales is a complete shock to me, at every turn everyone said it would vote remain. I didn't realise how pissed off with Europe people in England were, right across the political spectrum, for different reasons, but I'm guessing mainly immigration. Wonder if Cameron will trigger article fifty in the next week as he promised and if Gideon will do his emergency budget immediately after a brexit vote,that he tried to scare folk with, I wouldn't bet on either of those things happening.
                      The pound and the markets dropped as expected but I think they could recover fairly quickly, Germany is making some good noises about wanting to sort it out fairly quickly as they don't want any interruption in trade between us, so that's not a bad sign.
                      I think the remain campaign fought the wrong fight, instead of trying to scare us, they should have banged on and on about the positive things Europe has done for us, but they just couldn't find an answer to the immigration question.Cameron is going, for me Corbyn should be right behind him, he was worse than useless in this whole campaign.
                      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                      • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                        I think the remain campaign fought the wrong fight, instead of trying to scare us, they should have banged on and on about the positive things Europe has done for us, but they just couldn't find an answer to the immigration question.Cameron is going, for me Corbyn should be right behind him, he was worse than useless in this whole campaign.
                        Wales is a weird one - I'd heard rumblings yesterday that everywhere you turned in Wales it was "vote out" bu I couldn't think why - Wales tends to get screwed whoever's in charge, so maybe everyone just decided "We're not exactly prospering here, might as well start again."

                        Corbyn, like a lot of people who supported remaining, had an awkward position really - you can't make an enthusiastic case when your belief is "I'm not a fan of this thing, but it's the best option we've got"

                        I'm delighted Cameron's going and presumably taking Osborne with him, but we're short of attractive leadership options aren't we? I want Boris nowhere near real power, ditto Gove, not sure Sadiq Khan is any better or even able to leave his mayoralty so soon. I am a Corbyn enthusiast but can't see him surviving this, nor as Prime Minister.


                        • Seems a great metaphor for today, I grew up in the 60's and britain was not in the common market but was swinging, we can swing again. Don't worry about trade, trade happens all the time, it's happening right now and will continue unabated.
                          Cameron resigning just shows what a liar he really is, "we're not quitters" he said but was the first to quit, good riddance, now we need a general election while the tide is turning.


                          • I changed my mind on Gove,and I'm no where near being a Tory voter, he does have a face you wouldn't get tired of punching but I listened to him during the debates and he talked very well, I realise that it's easy to tell folk what they want to hear and one of my biggest annoyances with the Tory leavers ,was them slagging off the Tory governments stance on things when two minutes earlier they were In the cabinet or on the telly backing every policy they churned out.
                            This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                            • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                              I think the remain campaign fought the wrong fight, instead of trying to scare us, they should have banged on and on about the positive things Europe has done for us
                              Top comment, many I have spoken to feel the same way and voted out because of this.


                              • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post

                                Cameron resigning just shows what a liar he really is, "we're not quitters" he said but was the first to quit, good riddance, now we need a general election while the tide is turning.
                                Didn't have much choice though did he? He would have no authority because he's completely failed on his biggest policy commitment. At least he's done the sensible thing and stayed on until October, so we can get things under control and work out where next.
                                Last edited by gavpowell; 24 June 2016, 10:18 AM.

