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Could i be a snooker coach?

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  • #91
    I think before you go see a coach you need to have Coached yourself and are not meeting objective. A coach cant force you to do anything you dont want to do.! A student that is motivated and willing to put in the time and effort to improve is a must.! I think there must be an unwritten contract to reach success no matter how small. Most Pro coaches have total control over students for years to attain goals and have the backing of parents as well.... I dont think this happens much in snooker.... Plastacine in the Hands of the Master Carver comes to mind... I think allot of coaches have a difficult job because most of the poeple are trying to buy a quick fix to there inability to commit.
    I try hard, play hard and dont always succeed, at first.!!!!:snooker:


    • #92
      Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
      That has to be a joke right about coaches and line ups, I know a qualified coach who struggles to make a twenty break
      Is he a snooker coach?
      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


      • #93
        Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
        Is he a snooker coach?
        Lol yes but no idea how
        It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



        • #94
          Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
          Lol yes but no idea how
          I wonder if his clientele reverse the role when they turn up and actually gives the coach lesson. "Today students we will not be working on break building because I'm sh*t and it didn't work for me so not sure why you turned up"


          • #95
            To be honest i would ask around before choosing a coach and getting recommendations. Also as a player you need to trust them and get on well and coaching certificates will not give you those answers. From a coach point of view i have turned down players i believe will not put the work in or mess me about. Although i could do with the money i want to do the best job i can with every player i coach so they need to be keen and willing. In my experience though very few players really understand that you need to practice to improve.
            coaching is not just for the pros


            • #96
              You don't need permissions or approval to get started. At the very least you can coach those will less skill then you. Take my blog (, for example. I started it April 2012. I get around 3000 visitors a month, I'm on the first page of Google search results (At the top for several keywords). I have around 200+ emails on my subscription. I answer questions, and I put up articles on occasion. I just put the value in and share whatever I know and then people ask me questions in the comments and send me emails. I have probably answered about 400 emails and comments since I started. Now that I have the traffic and some sense of where people need help, I can focus and produce something akin to a premium product that I can earn money from. Like you, I'm a regular 50 breaker, and my highest is a 80 something on a 6x12 and a tonne on a 5x10.

              My point being, if you are running 50 breaks on a regular basis and you will soon have a table, then start a web site, produce videos, and just put the value in. Everything you study and get certified in obviously helps.

              I'm looking for is a partner that loves the game and wants to coach as well and is willing to partner up with me on my web site. I get a lot of traffic and I know Internet Marketing and I'm in the process of creating a new version of my web site that will have VIP, videos, more articles, forums, and more. If it's something that interests you, let me know and we can chat further about it.
              Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
              My Snooker Blog:


              • #97
                i was here 1990, i'd made my first ton and i was making regular 30-50 breaks. i was so into playing and chuffed with making a hundred break i wanted to share the stuff i knew and make a few quid out of it.. yes i had a few regular punters and my dads idea of my business card being called snooker clinic, was catchy for a spunky 20 year old. but the reality was i wasn't really up for it. not for lack of enthusiasm but the real lack of genuine bonafide knowledge and understanding, from every single little thing i was showing to the words that were coming from my mouth.. and i know now 25 years later i was operating on half empty
                if you wanna be a solid coach you need to know your area, the names of the roads, all the ally ways, shortcuts, dirt trails, holes in the fences and scrumping trails.. who knows, one day you'll have someone who can play a bit and they'll pick holes and tear your info apart for an hour, what then you'll be asking for a score at the end. that would surely bring the little coaching thing to an abrupt end
                Last edited by j6uk; 29 December 2014, 09:38 AM.


                • #98
                  Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                  i was here 1990, i'd made my first ton and i was making regular 30-50 breaks. i was so into playing and chuffed with making a hundred break i wanted to share the stuff i knew and make a few quid out of it.. yes i had a few regular punters and my dads idea of my business card being called snooker clinic, was catchy for a spunky 20 year old. but the reality was i wasn't really up for it. not for lack of enthusiasm but the real lack of genuine bonafide knowledge and understanding, from every single little thing i was showing to the words that were coming from my mouth.. and i know now 25 years later i was operating on half empty
                  if you wanna be a solid coach you need to know your area, the names of the roads, all the ally ways, shortcuts, dirt trails, holes in the fences and scrumping trails.. who knows, one day you'll have someone who can play a bit and they'll pick holes and tear your info apart for an hour, what then you'll be asking for a score at the end. that would surely bring the little coaching thing to an abrupt end
                  What a great post J6.
                  This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!

