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Judd Trump Set-up

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  • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
    We could call it throw for simplicity. Nah, it's not throw or deflection I guess. It seems to stun the side of the obtuse angle, then spin fwds. If you hit a CB really hard, I think some stun comes in to play because the CB is stuck on the OB and can't travel on it's natural reaction line. Maybe it's squirt?

    Thanks to INMB for doing the pink to black big TS shot. Hopefully he'll do the JT exhibition shot as well. Hopefully, some other members will have a go as well. It would be fun.
    I will post 2 new vids when i can. This time showing the effects of a poor and good playing surface!!!

    I posted on here a while ago about table maintenance. Through my own research into this. This came about by not being able to play certain shots on other tables. So after much experimentation. We found a solution! As is always the case (CB discussion). Anything new or alien is often frowned upon and mostly dismissed. However this pink to black thingy has given me an idea.
    Potting the pink into the same pocket, but have the cueball throw into the cushion first! Then allow the TS to do its thing. On a really good playing surface the CB will arc before going on its way as in the other video's. A bad playing surface will have virtually no arc and even less travel.
    As my last video was just off straight it was easy to get the CB to the black. This was a relatively slow 6811 tournament cloth, undressed too. I imagine the balls weren't exactly clean either. All contributory factors.
    Last edited by inevermissblue; 28 September 2016, 09:16 AM.
    Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


    • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
      Ok, maybe not the best day to discuss given what happened in Shanghai.

      So I'm finishing a session this lunch, got 15mins spare and just messin around, which I like to do, see how many amazin balls I can nail; free sparring I calls it. I'm over the top end hole facing a long red, a foot away, CB 18'' off both cushions, pretty straight. Obvious shot is to play a stop shot and pot the black afterwards. Then I'm wonderin if I can top spin the ball and take the CB off the middle of the baulk cushion and back down, landing on the black. I'm thinking, Ace, you can screw 24ft with your shizzle but top spinin the ball 24ft is a big ask given I generally rake slightly higher than rail height (this helps screw). Ka-ching, play it like Judd! So I gets down in the JT stance, L shoulder down and slightly tucked in, cueing under the sternum and nipple, brushing the hip. And I thought, the shot is easy, simply hit it as smoothly and as hard as you can on the heighest point on the CB without miscueing. And whatever you do Ace, pause the stroke, and look at the OB last!

      So that's what I did and man, I nailed that ball and took the CB all the way to the baulk and back to the top cushion, then cut back potted the black in (with the JT set-up again) from the top cushion.

      Tried it a few more times and like wow, that's the best travel I've ever had on a CB. Now remember, this is a slowish 6811T not a no.10 so I reckon maybe 30ft+ on a no.10. Tried some stun and run through shots and noticed more travel than usual again.

      So the JT set-up is pretty low down; sniper territory. Ran out of time but thinking of trying it out again, next time in the balls, opening the pack, etc. Incredible power?

      Has anyone tried the JT set-up and what did you find?
      B/S have you ever played on a No10 clothed table? The reason I ask this is because you seem to hold this cloth as a fast cloth and in my experience having had this cloth fitted before I found this the slowest of them all in fact my Tournament gold 6811 was a lot quicker then the 10 and the quickest of them all the Hainsworth Precision.

      I never regretted buying the Precision cloth but I did regret changing my TG for the No10.


      • Originally Posted by Triedandtested View Post
        B/S have you ever played on a No10 clothed table? The reason I ask this is because you seem to hold this cloth as a fast cloth and in my experience having had this cloth fitted before I found this the slowest of them all in fact my Tournament gold 6811 was a lot quicker then the 10 and the quickest of them all the Hainsworth Precision.

        I never regretted buying the Precision cloth but I did regret changing my TG for the No10.
        Hello mate. Yes, a no.10 is lovely to play on but it dies after about 3mths. Places like SWSA flog theirs on after a couple of months. It's not as if they're even cheap to begin with, quite expensive actually. I agree that a Precision Pro is faster and it doesn't need heaters either but a no.10 properly looked is like glass compared to our 6811T which only I look after once a week (Grrr). I only use the no.10 comparison because that's the premium cloth most of the top places go for, so it's my yardstick.

        Congrats on having a Precision Pro. I wish!
        Last edited by Big Splash!; 28 September 2016, 10:18 AM.


        • Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
          I will post 2 new vids when i can. This time showing the effects of a poor and good playing surface!!!

          I posted on here a while ago about table maintenance. Through my own research into this. This came about by not being able to play certain shots on other tables. So after much experimentation. We found a solution! As is always the case (CB discussion). Anything new or alien is often frowned upon and mostly dismissed. However this pink to black thingy has given me an idea.
          Potting the pink into the same pocket, but have the cueball throw into the cushion first! Then allow the TS to do its thing. On a really good playing surface the CB will arc before going on its way as in the other video's. A bad playing surface will have virtually no arc and even less travel.
          As my last video was just off straight it was easy to get the CB to the black. This was a relatively slow 6811 tournament cloth, undressed too. I imagine the balls weren't exactly clean either. All contributory factors.
          Fair play mate, that's pretty much what I have to cope with. First video of me pink to black on the slowest table in league. Anyway, looking fwd to your video of the JT exhibition black ball pot. Will be interesting to see how your CB reacts to TS compared to my two types of shot, the smooth snooker action and the whack 9-ball smash. Would be good if more posted some vids. I know it takes ages if you don't live in a city, BB being so slow. I tried posting a frame once and gave up after two days of leaving the PC on. Anyway, 30 seconds of upload ain't too bad, so get posting members!

          Arc, yes! Swerve to HMBS and Throw to me. Haha.
          Last edited by Big Splash!; 28 September 2016, 10:24 AM.


          • Shot 2, Judd Trump Exhibition Black Ball Pot:

            Is it a plane, is it a missile, is it a bomb? Nope, it's splashdown!

            Come on guys, get your JT videos up. Show us your top spinners
            Last edited by Big Splash!; 28 September 2016, 11:22 AM.


            • I tried Big S. Potted the pink, cueball went to baulk cushion and reached maybe around blue spot. Could not do any better. I don't have good cue power.


              • Originally Posted by ace man View Post
                I tried Big S. Potted the pink, cueball went to baulk cushion and reached maybe around blue spot. Could not do any better. I don't have good cue power.
                Good effort mate. I used to be similar. Put ya video up anyway bud. It's the trying that is winning.


                • Didn't film anything yet. Not very practical. Place was busy.


                  • C'mon guys, let's see the videos! I see INMB hasn't had a go at the JT black special, can't be easy potting tricky balls with CB and getting on the power. LOL!


                    • Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post

                      No JT setup. Just me with my CB sight/strike. Incredibly I have cuepower! Who'd have thought it hey guys! Lol.
                      Here's my alternative Pink to Black shot. Not one cushion...but three!


                      Btw! Forgot to mention...I'm also slightly hampered by the black.
                      Last edited by inevermissblue; 17 December 2016, 10:05 PM.
                      Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


                      • Has anyone got any other versions of this shot they can post?
                        Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


                        • Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                          Has anyone got any other versions of this shot they can post?
                          The idea is to do it the Judd Trump way but if you ain't got the cue power for three lengths of the table mr pokey, you ain't got the cue power! LOL :biggrin-new:


                          • Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                            Here's my alternative Pink to Black shot. Not one cushion...but three!


                            Btw! Forgot to mention...I'm also slightly hampered by the black.
                            That looks like it was recorded on a phone from 2001


                            • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
                              The idea is to do it the Judd Trump way but if you ain't got the cue power for three lengths of the table mr pokey, you ain't got the cue power! LOL :biggrin-new:
                              Are we talking about cue power? Or your push shots?? Lol. Not really the same is it! My cueball seems to have travelled further than yours with a lot less effort! Lol.
                              Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


                              • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
                                The point of doing this is to develop technique. Do challenges like this and you will be cueing as straight as a die with immense power. The same would be true of potting at dead weight. These are the two extremes where our cueing is tested to the limit. Everything else in between is much simpler. Technique is everything as Ronnie says and it will give you extra confidence in your play. If you do need a big top spin, you'll be able to look back and remember how you did splasher's challenge, so this shot isn't difficult, it's well within my capabilities you'll say. All these things are important no matter what your standard. For those struggling to get the power on and maintain straight cueing, I'd say your straight cueing isn't that good. Try and improve it, and think about how you deliver the cue; are you rotating the hand inwards or outwards on the back or fore stroke? Are you using you shoulder to play the shot, is your elbow falling inwards? TS shots like this one will highlight any faults. The same can be said of deep screw.

                                JT has a correction fault in his cueing as he delivers the cue, don't do that. Simply line up centre ball to begin with. Other than that, his set-up is brilliant and it affords free movement of the hand under the chest, which is where the power comes from. You can do the same shot using the Hendry or Davis set-up and you'll come up short. The key to JT's set up is foot in line, foot fwd with the knee pointing in. This makes a base that is stable but allows all that hand movement underneath. A fast, free cue hand is key.
                                I found this interesting. From all the footage out there, it's clear to see his foot is not perfectly on the line of shot, more like a half square/half boxer hybrid stance, his knee is definitely not pointing inwards. And his stance is most definitely more than shoulder-width apart. - this was all covered in your previous post on the same subject a couple of years ago:

                                How do you categorically know it's his stance and set-up giving him the cue power, rather than his ability to accelerate the cue incredibly fast with textbook follow-through? His cue touches the chest just like most players on the tour, so one could say his setup isn't affording him anymore room than other Pros. His stance is nothing out of the ordinary and fairly textbook

                                Who knows... All I know is his very first coach - a chap called Mark Curnow (son of Bristol stalwart Derek) had absolutely insane cue power. So maybe this is where he got it from
                                Last edited by Ronnington; 3 January 2017, 11:02 AM.
                                Favourite players: Kirk Stevens, Stephen Hendry, John Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Ding Junhui

